Urinary Incontinence & Vaginal Prolapse

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Why suffer the leak?? We tighten the tap!!

It is estimated that about 30% -40% of women develop some form of vaginal prolapse in their lifetime. The condition occurs as a result of weakness of the complex structures of the muscles, ligaments and the skin of the pelvic area. The usual presentation is that of pelvic pressure and discomfort affecting the sexual function as well as bodily functions such as urination and defecation.

Like everything in life, there would be factors contributing and others causing the condition. Primarily, age is one, as natural relaxation of that part of the body is subject to wear and tear by time! The area is affected by the reduction of female hormone effect similar to that of other parts of the psychological and physical body of the woman in general. However, child bearing, difficult delivery, instrumental birth, multiple births, as well as pelvic surgery like hysterectomy, all these causing factors contribute to the development of the condition. Furthermore overweight, smoking, cough, chronic chest conditions, chronic constipation and the lifestyle of either the type of work like lifting and physical handling or excessive strenuous activities and exercises are all known to contribute to developing this complex condition.

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Addressing Pelvic Health

It is pertinent here to mention that men also suffer from similar condition !! Collapse is basically a hernia affects the weakest point in the body-it just happened that in women, it is that part. At the British Clinic, we always say “No need to be embarrassed, treatment is available here, all one needs is to seek advice”.

Simple history taking, examination and tests are done to verify and identify types etc first, then the proper management which involves multiple levels. Initially, advise regarding lifestyle activities, diet, losing weight, avoiding constipation, regulating fluid consumption as well as habit changing to stop smoking and avoidance of caffeine in intake. Then other things considered, like the use of local creams, insertion of vaginal pessary devices, training to perform “Kegel exercise” of the pelvic floor, which emphasizes the pelvic floor muscles and ensure its return to the normal functions. Pelvic Floor Faradism electrical stimulation by the physiotherapy and the use of medications to quitens the urinary bladder hyperactivities can be used to alleviate the symptoms. These are being used successfully in the vast majority of these situations.

LASER Rejuvenation

In surgical correction options and with the concept of minimally invasive therapy which we strongly advocate, most can now be done either as a day surgery or office procedure. LASER Rejuvenation is now used by The British Clinic when applied into the tissues around the upper portion of the urethra. This improves the closing mechanism of the urethral sphincter and improvements texture of the vaginal area around it and hence restores its normal function of sexual sensual pleasure. This is done under local anesthesia and with good success and no complications. The pelvic floor repair procedure is also now modified to be done within the minimally invasive procedure for correction of the anatomical and functional area of the vagina and the urethra with very pleasing success and complete satisfaction.


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