Setting The Standards

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Simply the best care

In the days of fast growing industry of health providing and the advance in medical technology, it is important to be able to provide professional, honest,  non-commercial health care.

It is therefore our aim to set the standards for the service to work towards providing clear information for the health care seekers as to what to expect and guides working practices for the professionals.

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Take the first step towards exceptional healthcare. Contact us now to schedule your appointment and experience personalized, high-quality medical care at the British Clinic.

Commitment to Evidence-Based Medicine and Ethical Standards in Healthcare

This is done on the corner stone basis of evidence based medicine and in accordance with accepted international recognized governing bodies of the professional guidelines. In this context, it is emphasized that medical ethical guidelines as well as the professional technical guidelines are followed.

The health care seekers should feel comfortable, trusting and appreciate that only their best interest is aimed for.

The British Clinic's Approach to Modern Medical Practices

In browsing through this website, health care seekers as well as practicing professionals may benefit from the information. However, it must be appreciated that what is highlighted here is what The British Clinic actual believe in and practice. There may be other ways and methods which can be used and are used  elsewhere very successfully and efficiently. For example although LASER & CRYO cautery have been used in the past for lesion ablation and destruction, microwave radiofrequency waves are the currently preferred modality in The British Clinic.

LASER is now use by The British Clinic for rejuvenation of tissues in vulva and vagina for enhancement. Similarly,  LASER is also used for treating stress incontinence instead of the use of various operative techniques like Burch colpo-suspension, Alderidge sling, T.V.T. etc. The procedures of GIFT, ZIFT etc in assisted  reproduction although less used and the radical surgery for treating malignancy may still have a role.

The continuous improvement and updating whenever there is something new is one of the virtues of The British Clinic which makes us one of the leading health care providers in its field.

It is hoped that this information would be of value to all concerned from health care seekers and professional providers.

Towards this goal, The British Clinic set itself to maintain high standard of care with professionalism, honesty, transparency and integrity, hence being one of the leading bodies setting the standard and being the golden standards upon which  health care providing is set and compared.

The British Clinic follows the guidelines of the following international recognized governing bodies :

Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD)

International Islamic Center for Population Studies & Research (IICPSR), of Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) London, UK

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), UK

NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Program London, UK

The Fetal Medicine Foundation London, UK

Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI), USA


DisclaimerThe British Clinic does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or use of such information or advice) which is provided in this website or incorporated into it by reference. We provide this information on the understanding that all persons accessing it take responsibility for assessing its relevance and accuracy. Women are encouraged to discuss their health needs with their carers.The British Clinic has the right to decline and refuse to see any individual who they deem they are unable to help.MOH Number : BW02763